Thursday, July 19, 2007

Just checking in

Its been a while since my last entry...a little over a month and a half I think and so much has happened:

-I read the 6th and 5th books of the Harry Potter series (in that precise order...weird, I know) plus a couple other books
-I finished Seasons 2 & 3 of West Wing (and started rewatching Season 1)
-I was "officially" welcomed into my community (I'll post a blog with pictures soon)
-I got to see all my Peace Corps friends during PST 2 (2 weeks in a beautiful resort with warm showers, a pool and air conditioning....heaven!)

and the highlight of it all...

-I saw Caitlin! Yup, Caitlin got to visit me for 2 weeks and it was AWESOME!!!

These past 45 days have been filled with so many stories and pictures that it will probably take a while for this blog to catch up. Do know however, that all is well and I am fine and happy. I definitely still find myself asking from time to time what it is exactly I'm doing over here (I doubt I'll stop asking that question anytime soon) but I'm certainly enjoying the ride.

And oh, btw, last week was my 6th month in Thailand. Sweet!

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